15028 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA
(818) 927-2229
If you are in need of help overcoming an addiction, you should come to our substance abuse treatment facility in Sherman Oaks, California. Burch Recovery drug rehab facilities have a proven track record of success. Of course, addiction recovery is not as simple as deciding to enter an addiction recovery center, but it is a significant moment when you can start on a path to growth. Read on to learn more about how our addiction recovery facility in Sherman Oaks works and why you should consider coming to our facility.
The beginning of every new client’s time with us always revolves around withdrawal. Nearly everyone who stops using a substance they have become addicted goes through withdrawal. The effects can be completely different from person to person based on body chemistry, the substance in question, the dosage amount, how recently you stopped using, and any number of other factors. We make sure that our trained staff members pay close attention to any client going through withdrawal just to make sure that they stay safe.
Once withdrawal is out of the way, you can start long-term treatment. The most important intervention for drug addiction at our Sherman Oaks addiction treatment center is therapy. It’s a place for you to learn how to overcome addiction by understanding why you use drugs and what you can do to stop using.
Typically, a history of trauma, stress, financial instability, homelessness, and mental illness can all contribute to using. Drug use generally starts as a coping mechanism. Through therapy, you can uncover other methods of coping with problems and apply them to your life. This may be uncomfortable because you will be talking about personal topics. However, you are in control and you don’t need to discuss anything if you do not want to, but it may affect your progress. Your therapist is there to assist you on a journey, not force you to explain your whole life story or impose their moral judgment upon you.
In addition to providing sessions with an individual therapist, your time at the addiction treatment facility in Sherman Oaks will incorporate group therapy as well. Group therapy is very different from individual sessions. You can exchange more information and support than a one-on-one intensive meeting. You can talk to your peer clients about how they have overcome their problems or what they are currently struggling with. The flow of emotions and ideas is sometimes hard to predict, but has value all its own.
Eventually you will come to a point where you can move back out to a home in the outside world. We do not simply allow you to walk out the door with no support. Instead, we guide you with our support network outside the drug detox clinic with your finalized plan. We give you the information you need to sign up for government benefits if you qualify for any of them, talk about finding a job and housing, and do our best to make sure you have a low-stress environment. It is more difficult to resist using when outside the addiction recovery program, but the progress that you made and the support you have found will provide the motivation to persevere.
Burch Recovery drug rehab centers are an immersive environment designed to give you a crash course in what you need to overcome addiction. Call us today to begin setting up your appointment for a free consultation at our addiction treatment center in Sherman Oaks, California.